Friday, May 7, 2010

He is Ticklish

There are 3 new posts. Be sure to check them all out.

Bath Time

Cooper loves baths!

15 Weeks on Monday

We are just as surprised as he is with how fast he's growing. We have enjoyed this past few months. A few of the things Cooper is now doing: Sleeping through most nights, laughs, always making some sort of cooing sound (his favorite is a gargling sound), grab things and bring them to his mouth. We have a toy that when you pull it, it vibrates and and makes noise. Just yesterday, he learned how to work it. Fun stuff. Here are a few pics for you all to enjoy.

He doesn't do dead to the world like your kids Jenn T. He is stiff as a board all the time.

This was the outfit he was blessed in.
We found a bunch of Nike onesies at Ross. This is one of them.